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OnlyFans Performer Ava Louise Made $100,000 Flashing Her Tits to Dublin

The "portal" between New York City and Dublin is back in the news, after being shut down for lewd behavior by some, only to have OnlyFans performer Ava Louise, 25, flash her tits to the

people on the other side in Dublin. Ava admits it was a publicity stunt, flashing her "two New York, homegrown potatoes" at the portal. “I went there knowing I could go viral if I did it,” she told The Post. “That’s kind of what my entire career has been, just going viral,” she added, a vague but obvious reference to her 2019 appearance on Dr. Phil. And it worked. According to Ava, "[i]n the last two days [after her topless reveal], I've earned $30,000 just from this whole scandal, so it's been incredible." In addition, in the wake of her performance and the subsequent media attention, she gained another 30,000 subscribers on her OnlyFans page, increasing her total to around 90,000 shortly after the show. “I’ll probably have 100,000 in two days,” she said. "I'm very proud of it, it's not easy to be successful on [OnlyFans]."

In interviews that followed, she said of her performance and OnlyFans career that “[w]e’re women, we have sex … and if you can monetize your sexuality, I think it’s great to just go for it and do it.” But she said, there is a down side. “People want me dead but I don’t really care. I’ve gotten death threats my entire career, like, what are you going to do about it? If you put yourself out there on the internet, people are gonna send you death threats and that’s not really my

problem, nor do I care.” Beyond the death threats, after the publicity surrounding her portal flash, Ava's family also learned of her adult content. "I never told them what I was doing, but my brother and family received content of me on OnlyFans," she explained. Among her interviews after, she did an interview with Piers Morgan, who pressed her on whether her display was appropriate given there could have been children looking, and whether she “embarrassed her country.” Ava said: “I think Americans do way worse than show their boobs. Who doesn’t love boobs? I’m sure you love boobs Piers, I love boobs. They’re just a pair of nice boobs, it’s not offensive.” She added, "[t]here were no kids that I could see and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. I could care less, Piers, I really didn’t care, it’s just a great pair of boobs that I wanted to share with the world." As to those who may have found it inappropriate, Ava said, "I think the people who found it insensitive and inappropriate probably don’t get to see nice boobs and they probably never get laid.”


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