Does Anyone Actually Like the Cumshot in Porn (And Where the Most?)
In a study entitled “'As Long as It’s Not on the Face': Pornography Viewers Discuss Male Ejaculation Perceptions and Preferences," recently published in the journal Sexes, by Professor of Sociology Eran Shor, McGill University, explored the age-old question in porn: Where should the guy shoot his load? He interviewed 302 interviewees, men, women, transgender, of various ages, races and sexual preferences. And he came (pun intended) to an interesting conclusion: no one really likes the porn cumshot, at least not on a woman's face. According to Professor Shor, "[w]hen asked about their preferences regarding male ejaculations, most of the interviewees either did not care/had no preference (26.6%) or they preferred to see male performers ejaculate inside the female performer’s vagina (37.8% of all interviewees and 48.35% of the women in the sample)." It was only a small minority that likes to see the cumshot,

Professor Shor finding "[o]thers (15.4% of the interviewees) preferred the ejaculation to be on the partner’s body parts, mentioning primarily the breast/chest, the stomach, the back, or the buttocks," and "[o]nly about 17% of all interviewees said they preferred to see ejaculation on a woman’s face (9.0%) or in her mouth (8.2%)."
But even more interesting, it was mostly men who did not care, "with 58.9% of the heterosexual men in the sample declaring that seeing a male orgasm was not important to them, compared with only 37.7% of heterosexual women who held this view." But that may be for a reason rather divorced from the cumshot itself, that most men had already ejaculated themselves and never even got the cumshot. According to the study, "[m]any of the interviewees, particularly heterosexual men, told us that they mostly stopped watching before the male orgasm occurred ... For example, Liam, 25, a heterosexual unemployed Canadian told us: 'I don’t know; I’m not a big watch-until-the-end kind of guy, so no preference.' Similarly, Ivan, 22, a heterosexual student from Russia said: 'I don’t reach that point. So I don’t care.'”
But some people did care. "In contrast to the sentiment expressed in the previous section, other interviewees felt that male ejaculations were not only important, but also that they needed to be discernable. They therefore preferred the ejaculation to be made visible by being placed on a partner’s body part, including sometimes their face. This sentiment was significantly more common among heterosexual women (27.5% of respondent) than among heterosexual men (20.9%), and was particularly prevalent among interviewees from the Middle East, with nearly half of all Middle Eastern interviewees preferring to see visible ejaculations on the partner’s body or face." The mouth seemed to be a favored spot, over the face. According to the study, "For example, Megan, 20, a bisexual student from Canada, said that she liked to see ejaculations in the mouth but 'I also don’t like it in porn when the girl opens her mouth and the cum drips out. If it’s a swallow, I’d like it most, because it shows she’s fully accepting him.' Felix, 27, an unemployed heterosexual American of Chinese decent, similarly said that he liked ejaculations 'in the mouth. When they swallow it and it goes down without an issue, it’s a sign that they enjoy and accept it.'”
But the place most liked was actually in the woman's vagina (also known as the "cream pie"). The study found "as mentioned above, the most common specific preference among interviewees (37.8% of all interviewees) was for male performers to ejaculate inside the female partner’s vagina. This preference was especially prevalent among women, with nearly half of all women (46.2% and 48.4% of heterosexual women) expressing a preference for vaginal ejaculation." Nobody much liked the face, "less than 10% of both the male and female interviewees in the sample indicated that they preferred to see the male performer ejaculate on the female performer’s face." It was the "one practice that often elicited a strong negative reaction, with such comments as “gross,” “weird,” “demeaning,” “degrading,” “abusive,” “unsanitary,” and “uncomfortable,” Even among those who liked to see the cumshot, they generally did not like it on the fact. For example, Celeste, a 23-year-old bisexual student from St. Martin summed up the view best:
I would say that any part of the body [is fine], just as long as it’s outside. If he cums on the genital area, it’s more arousing than like inside, where you don’t see any of it, or on the face, where it’s like, ‘go wipe it off’.