REDDIT: Emily Jade Long-Legged Blonde Canadian Newcomer (NSFW)
Emily Jade is a 23-year-old new girl on the block, a lanky blonde Canadian who is a regular for #TittyTuesday, and is only getting started. She is a "MILF and am Slovakian," who, as she says "[d]esperately need[s] my ass eaten". Emily posts most regularly on Reddit, which some pretty explicit clips and pictures, including a lot of anal play, where she describes herself as "[j]ust a needy little slut, here for your viewing pleasure." And as she admits on Reddit, "I’m absolutely obsessed with anal, and "[m]y booty is quite small but I show it off all the time." Emily's Twitter page is relatively new, which she started on July 12, 2022. But its has some great nude content of Emily, to give you a preview. You can follow Emily on Instagram to see her safer side.
Emily's Subscription OnlyFans is behind the pay wall, except post descriptions, like "Make me your little slut" and "There’s so many places in this airbnb to bend me over and fuck me." And as she says on her Reddit, "[s]howing off my butthole is one of my favourites hehe 🙈 I show it a tonnn on my paid," and "I’m a mom 🥰 I offer customs and am very kink friendly," so that should tell you all you need to know about her OnlyFans. Emily has a Free OnlyFans page, but she says, "I’m no longer active on this page," and "Within a couple weeks I’ll be deleting my free page." While she does offer a lot of content there, it is censored, and may not last that long...