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Connecticut Tops The List of States With Most OnlyFans Creators, Yes, Connecticut

The number of OnlyFans creators worldwide has increased during the period 2019 to 2022 from only 348,000 creators to 3,182,000. The question you might ask yourself is where are they coming from? Sex toy company BedBibble recently tried to answer that question.  And you might think that states with large populations like New York or California would dominant a review of the states with the most OnlyFans creators, even on a per capita (per 100,000) basis. But apparently, in those states, there are opportunities elsewhere. But not apparently in

Connecticut, which according to BedBibble's review of OnlyFans creators, is the state that leads the nation in OnlyFans creators, followed by Nevada, Hawaii, Noth Dakota, Maine, Iowa and New Hampshire, on a per capita basis. Florida is the only big state to appear in the top ten, at number nine. The survey also reported the average monthly income of OnlyFans creators in each state, with, interestingly enough, South Carolina achieving the highest average, with creators bringing in about $1,460 monthly from their profiles. (Creators in West Virginia only bring in about $40 per month.)

Before you go rushing to Connecticut trying to peep OnlyFans creators seemingly falling out of every apartment window in the state, there may have been a bit of a self-identification problem in the way that BedBible conducted its research. It used a search engine called OnlySearch, which allows you to search for OnlyFans creators by using key-words. Connecticut, for example, had the highest amount, with 24,64 accounts. But there were only 49 creators who listed themselves in New York, which obviously sounds inaccurate. The problem, of course, is that this method only identifies people who publicly list their location, a flaw pointed out to DailyMail by Elissa Redmiles, an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University. According to DailyMail, she said that oftentimes, creators might not list their location because of safety concerns.  Other times, creators might say they live in a particular state that they don't actually liveside in, in order to create a fantasy persona that they believe best caters to their audience. 

You see the problem. But even so, that Connecticut came out on top is still surprising. Stacey Diane Arañez Litam, an assistant professor at Cleveland State University and Forbes Health Advisor told the DailyMail that the difference between states might be a reflection of the different needs for supplemental income based on location. The relative income in each state could be lower than the cost of living, for instance. "A lot of folks are struggling now more financially than in past years, so I think people are getting creative in way in supplementing income," she said. And as you might suspect, in smaller states, OnlyFans may be just the way many more creators are doing that.


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